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Fall-in-g Nature

Fall-in-g nature. Fall is a beautiful season. It is a turning point in the year, with summer turning to winter, green turning to grey. This piece aims to capture the change that occurs in nature during this time. It reciprocates nature’s fall attributes both visually and conceptually, by integrating elements ranging from color and texture to shape.


‘Nature, but digital’ was the basis of our project. Incorporating this nature into my individual one gave me something to work with, pre-existing beauty to develop. I recognize this as being of high importance. Without the natural objects we collected, many of the ideas I had wouldn’t have arisen, and many of ideas I had wouldn’t have been achieved. I tried to incorporate the necessary visual elements into all my designs, from emphasizing color to utilising negative space. 


The main concept I chose to explore would be categorized under a ‘turning point in humankind.’ I decided to focus on the season fall. It is something glorified in nature, the plants change, many wither, but the color those leaves turn to is simply stunning. Every single person on the planet experiences this shift in seasons. My work explores this deeply, mainly through color, shape and texture. The colors I utilised constitute the spectrum, but have a slight towards fall-like colors (orange). In one of my primary designs I use the outline/shape of my plants repeatedly. In another, I use the texture of these plants. In some way or the other, the fall elements of nature are reflected in my work, physically and conceptually.

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